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Extremely Annoying Cliches in Ya books

I feel like ranting today! I saw the Allegiant movie last night,(and although this has nothing to do with anything) and I ranted about it for like 2 hours. For some unknown reason(probably because i'm me) I STILL feel like ranting! Anyways, I don't know what else to put in my introduction, so let's get started! 1. Love Triangles. I've come across tons of these. All the ones I've come across go something like this: 2 boys, 1 girl, girl is torn between boy 1/boy 2, the one I root for loses, and winning boy and main character girl live happily ever after and go riding into the sunset on unicorns. The Hunger Games, The Selection, Twilight, it practically HAS to have a love triangle for it to be popular. How about 1. just have one guy, not two, so everybody is happy and 2. why does the girl have to have a guy in the first place? I mean, look at... well, I can't think about any books right now, probably because there aren't very many. WE GET IT AUTHORS: it needs to be interesting, but can't you think of ANYTHING else? Okay, deep breaths, Laura, deep breaths.

2. Okay i'm back and i'm (a little bit) calmer now. Anyways, next is The Chosen one, The hero, etc. You know the gist: the main character is "destined" to save the world or whatever. I get it. Your book needs a plot line. But why does EVERY SINGLE main character have to be intertwined with fate to save the world? Can't it just, you know, happen? I'm looking at you, Rick Riordan. I still love the Percy Jackson series though. No offense.

3.Love at first sight: First of all, this isn't a Disney movie, and second of all, think about this: what are the chances of me looking at a guy and going: "oooh, he's cute. I think he must be my one and only true love." Sorry people, it doesn't work that way. #dealwithit.

4.The shy protagonist: let's face it. You're shy, you're probably not gonna step up and volunteer to save the world, you're gonna stay in the background. Reality check. Sorry all the shy people out there. I'm not saying you're stuck up or anything, you're just...well, shy.

5. THE UNDISCOVERED POWERS. This is probably the most frustrating one. Okay, we get it you're magical. Yaaaaay good for you. But it doesn't have to happen in every single book. Maybe once in a while, but not every single time a new YA book that's even distinctly fantasy comes out.

Well, that's all I have and i've got most of my ranting out of my system. See you next time!

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