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Percy Jackson Book Tag

I saw this on Dreamlandbookblog, and it looked really fun. Plus, it was a book tag, and i'm addicted to book tags, so it was a no-brainer. If you don't know already, I practically grew up with the Percy Jackson series, so when I saw this I was like "Oh yeah!' I'm not gonna explain how it works, cause you're going to find out soon enough. Oh, and one more thing and then I promise i'll be done and we can get into the actual book blog, this was originally called the bookish survey: Greek mythology style, but I decided the Percy Jackson book tag sounded better. I'm sure there's already a Percy Jackson book tag out there, but whatever. I need to stop talking and start doing the book tag. Okay.

1. Zeus: your favorite book: I'm gonna have to say the Hunger Games. I would've picked Percy Jackson, but there's so many books, and I love them all...

2.Posideon: book that drowned you in feels: Mockingjay. So many people die, and if you've read the book, you know the whole thing is just plain emotional.

3.Hades: favorite book with a dark plot: If I Stay. Okay let's just be honest here. It doesn't seem very dark, but when you realize that it's bsically just a book about a girl deciding whether she wants to live or die, it actually becomes kind of dark.

4.Hera: cutest fictional couple: The Percy Jackson series. Annabeth and Percy are soo perfect! Those first four books tho...

5. Athena: series with the best world building: City of Bones. I know it takes place in the real world, but the whole idea of shadowhunters and their secret society and stuff is pretty intriguing.

6.Aphrodite: most beautiful cover: The Selection. it's absolutely breathtaking. And the dress is so pretty. Like i'd wear it to my wedding pretty.(but i'm not getting married anytime soon, sooo...)

7. Ares: most violent book you've ever read: The Maze Runner. This is definitely violent. If I told you how it's violent, I would spoil the book. But yeah, it's violent.

8. Artemis: favorite heroine: Hazel Grace from The Fault in Our Stars. I don't know if you'd consider her a heroine, but I just love the fact that she's so blatant and frank.

9. Apollo: sequel book that redeemed it's series: I can't think of any. Honestly.

10: Hermes: book with the best message:Stargirl. This book says that it's okay to be unique and wierd. It's also by Jerry Spinelli, and he's a great author. I've heard some people say that this book is not a YA book, and that it's a kids book, but I think it's great for anyone.

11: Hestia: book with the most relatable story: Bridge to Terabithia. I know this is more of a kids book, but it definitely deals with real world issues like grief.

12:Demeter: favorite bookish setting: Cinder. I love the concept of New Bejing and, of course, the fact that it's set in the future. It's a really interesting book, and I read the whole Lunar Chronicles series in a month.

12:Dionysus: 2016/2017 release you are most anticipating: The Last Star. I LOVE the Fifth Wave series, and I really want to what happens, cuz it's the last book. It comes out in...May on the 24th! Im psyched! (That is how you spell it right? I hope?)

13:Percy Jackson: Favorite Protagonist: Katniss Everdeen. This book tag is really long, but I promise there are only 8 or 9 left. Oh. That's a lot, isn't it? Whatever. Anyways I like Katniss because she's soo brave. And I love the Hunger games. May the odds be ever in your favor.

14: Annabeth Chase: Series with the cleverest plot: The Chronicles of Narnia. I mean, going into a magic wardrobe that makes you enter a whole new land? Whoah. Trust me, I've tried to write stories, before and I couldn't even come up with a decent plot, let alone one like this. Then again, writing isn't exactly my strong suit...

15: Jason Grace: book with an epic finale: Allegiant. If I say anything more, I might spoil it. But yeah, that one has a pretty big ending.

16: Piper Mclean: book with a tempting synopsis that you haven't read: Fangirl. Yes, I haven't read this book. I know. Almost everybody has. But I haven't. It looks good, so maybe it'll be on next month's TBR. Maybe.

17: Leo Valdez: book that made you laugh: Scarlet/Cress/kind of also Winter. Yeah I know, that's three books, not one, sue me, whatever. I know they don't seem funny, but Thorne had so many funny lines. I mean, like, Cinder and Iko and everybody did too, but mostly Thorne.

18: Hazel Levesque: favorite character with a tragic past: Jace from the mortal instruments. Talk about daddy issues...

19: Frank Zhang: book you loved more than you thought you would: The Giver. I picked this book up and I thought; "okay, sounds interesting, maybe I'll read it, it can't be that bad" Uh, no it wasn't that bad. It was awesome! I absolutely loved it.

20: Nico Di Angelo: most mysterious character you've ever encountered: Margo Roth Spiegelman from Paper Towns: I mean, she freakin' disappeared. She's especially mysterious because I didn't finish the book.

21: Grover Underwood: book you won't read due to warnings against it: Twilight. I know, I know, but it's gotten terrible reviews. I've heard it is overhyped and has no plot. Sorry, Stephanie Meyer.

22: Clarisse La Rue: most annoying character: America from the Selection. She just seemed so flat and even kind of needy. I know a lot of people love this series, but I just couldn't get into it.

That's it! if you actually got to the bottom of this extremely long post, congratulations! If you didn't, then you're not reading this sentence and I need to stop typing. BTW, here's the link to the original one:

The end. You can go now.

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