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My Favorite First Sentences Of Books

I haven't posted in a while and I thought this would be cool to do. These are not in any specific order, sooo... let's get started!


"My mother thinks I'm dead." Okay, so it's a bit morbid, but it definitely captures your attention.


"There is one mirror in my house." Oooooh, interesting...

3.The Maze Runner

"He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air." Well, that doesn't happen every day.

4.The Infinite Sea

"There would be no harvest." I was actually kind of hesitant to read this book, since it looked so short compared to the first one, but that begginning definitely drew me in.

5.Paper Towns

"The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle." Inspirational...

6.The Book Thief

"Here is a small fact: you are going to die." Again, a bit morbid, but doesn't that make you want to read why all of this is relevant in the book? (okay, maybe not, but whatever.)

7.The Fault In Our Stars

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death." I don't know, seems pretty depressed to me, but still interesting.

That wraps up my list, so yay! and stuff.

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